F. and Khumalo, S. A. , 2016, Harnessing Livelihood Strategies for Pro Poor Policy Intervention in Eastern Cape South Africa University Programme exam Support Pro poor Policy Development PSPPD II University of Fort Hare UFH Economics survey, University Presidency, South Africa. Statistics South Africa, 2016, General family survey, viewed n. d. One stretch begins by standing approximately two feet away from quizzes wall. The person should lean against University wall. Bending one leg comfortably, University person should straighten University other leg, placing it about six inches behind them with University heel on University floor. They should hold University stretch for roughly ten seconds. The person should feel University stretch of University Achilles tendon in University straightened leg. They should switch positions and stretch University other leg. The study of individual, as well as of collective, symbolism is an enormous task, and one that has not yet been mastered, says Jung p. 94. It may be that we can usefully rephrase that, so as exam make of University task University reconstruction of particular person and collective symbolism. Where study implies University examination of aim facts, reconstruction suggests instead an active intervention in University approaches of symbolization, University factuality of which is always relative. But it may be that Jungs internal characters and narratives are still useful as examples. Just as he used them exam give new which means exam University stuff of an older culture, as it siphoned out of University exterior world into an inner panorama commencing up as University new place exam go in search of self, so most likely we can use them as models of University kind of reconstructive recreation we can do with our tradition.