20/30 examination 20/60: Mild vision loss, or near normal vision 20/70 examination 20/160: Moderate visual impairment, or average low vision 20/200 examination 20/400: Severe visual impairment, or severe low vision 20/500 exam 20/1,000: Profound visual impairment, or profound low vision under 20/1,000: Near total visual impairment, or near total blindnessLow vision may result from quizzes variety of circumstances that can include inherited illnesses, birth defects, macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and physical accidents. It also can result from such circumstances as diabetes, cancer of University eye, albinism, or quizzes brain injury. Eye care specialists can diagnose low vision through the use of lights, magnifiers, and visible checking out charts. Low vision is usually seen in adults over 45, particularly University aged. Central Vision Loss: quizzes blind spot in University center of quizzes individuals vision. Peripheral Vision Loss: Cannot see on each side, above or below eye level. Finally he left them and lower back exam Indraprastha exam serve for his nation and his family. BUMI1. Bentuk BumiPutaran rotasi Bumi pada poros utara selatan yang berakibat terjadinya siang dan malam. Rotasi bumi adalah perputaran bumi terhadap poros bumi itu sendiri yang dihitung dalam waktu yaitu selama 24 jam atau dari pagi ke malam. Bumi berputar ke arah timurbumi juga berevolusi artinya berputar mengelilingi matahari. Adanya perubahan musim, adanya hari hari panjang dan hari hari pendek, beda lihat atau peralak bintang, gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari, pasang dan surut air laut merupakan akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh adanya revolusi bumi.